Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Pygmy Torch

Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Zones 2-5

<p>Unusual tall spires of deep, regal crimson rising above a cloud of dark green leaves. This fast growing (9 weeks from seed to flower) amaranth is useful as a focal point in plantings as well as a background plant. It also makes a wonderful cut and dried flower that can be sown all summer long for continuous colour. Grows to 60cm (2 ft.) tall. Tassles in 6 weeks.</p><p>Direct seed in mid-May to mid-June or start earlier and transplant out after mid-May in full sun, being careful not to disturb the roots. Seeds need light to germinate, so cover lightly. Germinates at 21-26C (70-80F) in 10 days. Space 60cm (2ft) apart. Approx. 1600 seeds/g.</p><p>'Amaranthus' comes from the Greek meaning not to wither, referring to the everlasting quality of some species.</p>