Ammi majus 'Queen of Africa'

Bishop's Weed, White Lace Flower

Ammi majus 'Queen of Africa'

Zones 2-5

<p>Large, 15-20cm (6-8 in.), snow-white lacy caps (umbels) on strong upright stems are heavenly for bees and beneficials. Not just one per plant but the first one is the biggest. Stands up to wind and rain and grows to 90cm (3 ft.) in good soil. A wonderful dried flower for arrangements. Children can press them to make Snowflakes for the Christmas tree. Approx. 1150 seeds/g.</p><p>Start seeds indoors six weeks before the last frost. Direct seed in mid-May to mid-June or set out the transplants after mid-May in full sun, being careful not to disturb the roots. Seeds need light to germinate, so cover lightly. Germinates at 21-26C (70-80F) in 15 days. Space 30cm (1ft) apart.</p><p>Ammi is an ancient Greek name. It belongs to the same family as Queen Anne's Lace, but is a true annual and more attractive in the garden. These plants are originally from North-east Africa, but is now naturalised in parts of North America.</p>