Anemone magellanica


Anemone magellanica

Zones 2-5

<p>{Family: Ranunculaceae} All anemones have tufts of basal leaves which are divided into leaflets. It is usually a woodland flower plant with starry or bowl shaped flowers. Anemone magellanica has cream-coloured flowers that bloom from late spring through summer, atop 18 inch stems. It is a very hardy plant.</p><p>Anemones like partial sun or shade, and moist soil (do not allow them to dry out completely). Propagate from seed or divide established clumps in early winter when the plant is dormant. Clumps grow quite slowly and division is rarely needed to maintain good flowering, so it is a very low-maintenance perennial.</p><p>''The Anemones...or Windeflowers are so full of variety and so dainty, so pleasant and so delightsome flowers, that the sight of them doth enforce an earnest longing desire in the minde of anyone to be a possessour of some of them at the least, for wtihout all doubt this one kind of of it self alone almost sufficient to furnish a garden wtih their flowers for almost halfe the yeare…'' {Parkinson, Paradisi}.</p>