Beta vulgaris (Cida gp) 'Liscia Verde Da Taglio'

Swiss Chard/Bietola Da Taglio/Bette A Carde 'Liscia Verde Da Taglio'

Beta vulgaris (Cida gp) 'Liscia Verde Da Taglio'

Zones 2-5

<p>A cool green and white vegetable that is perfect even in hot weather. To enjoy the flavour, cut the leafy parts away from the thicker stems, boil the stems in salted water for a few minutes first, then add the leaf sections so they only cook for a few minutes - serve with butter or Bechamel sauce. Plant in a sunny location in rich, well-drained soil. Plants should be watered generously during dry spells.</p><p>Plant seed 13-25mm (1/2 to 1 inch) deep and 2.5cm (1 in) apart directly outside once all danger of frost has passed. Thin as plants grow larger, add thinnings whole to stirfrys or salads.</p>