Brachycome (Brachyscome) iberidifolia

Swan River Daisy

Brachycome (Brachyscome) iberidifolia

Zones 2-5

<p>(Family: Asteraceae) Dainty, dark-eyed bright blue daisy-like fragrant flowers on a low-growing annual. This plant is bushy or spreading in habit, and is relatively drought tolerant. It has downy, gray-green leaves that are 5in (12cm) long, deeply lobed. Blooms until frost in full sun, in pots and window boxes.</p><p>Prefers full sun and rich soil. Sow shallowly in early May, as cool weather will help the plants become as compact and sturdy as possible. Plants bloom about 80 days after germination. Space them about 6in apart. Approx. 13,000 seeds/g.</p><p>This is a South and West Australian plant. The name is broken up into two parts: 'brachys' means short and 'kome' means hair, an allusion to the short bristles on the flowers.</p>