Cichorium endivia 'Romanesca Da Taglio'

Endive/Scarola/Chicoree Scarole 'Romanesca Da Taglio'

Cichorium endivia 'Romanesca Da Taglio'

Zones 2-5

<p>Mid green loose leaves with pretty curled and fringed margins make this endive a very popular salad vegetable. It is very rich in Vitamins A and C, and are delicious sliced and served with vinaigrette.</p><p>Sow seeds directly outdoors in early spring for midsummer harvest. Thin when seedlings reach 1-2 inches tall (remember, almost all vegetable thinnings can be used in your salads, don't just throw them on the compost heap!). Keep soil moist, watering is necessary in dry weather to prevent premature bolting and bitter leaves.</p>