Cichorium intybus 'Pan Di Zucchero O Bottiglione'

Chicory/Cicoria O Radicchio/Chicoree 'Pan Di Zucchero O Bottiglione'

Cichorium intybus 'Pan Di Zucchero O Bottiglione'

Zones 2-5

SORRY, THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FROM ANY SUPPLIER. Again, this beautiful and delicious variety has a variety of names: 'Pan di Zucchero', 'Sugarloaf', 'Pain de Sucre', or in English, 'Sugarloaf'. Very pale green and tall, the hearts are somewhat self-blanching, with large cabbage-like growth. They are usually grown like lettuce, sown either in early spring for an early summer crop or after midsummer for autumn harvest. They take two to three months to mature, and perform best if given some protection from excessive wet conditions.