<p>This attractive chicory is reddish-green colored. It is a forcing type which build up heavy carrot-like roots that can be dug in the fall and stored horizontally between layers or sand or fine soil in a dark warm place for about three weeks. In this way they will continue to produce leaves for salads all year.</p><p>Pretty to look at and a tasty treat from plain lettuce, this red and white chicory is sweet and crunchy. Chicory is a very popular salad vegetable. The eye of the chicory is the sweetest part, and the better you preserve it, the sweeter it will become (wrap in newspaper and store in a cool dark room). Sow directly outdoors in early spring once all danger of frost has passed. Thin seedlings 25-30cm (10-12in) apart in the rows, and 30-38cm (12-15in) between the rows. Grow chicory in full sun in a moist, well-drained soil.</p>