Cichorium intybus 'Zuccerina Di Trieste'

Chicory/Cicoria O Radicchio/Chicoree 'Zuccerina Di Trieste'

Cichorium intybus 'Zuccerina Di Trieste'

Zones 2-5

<p>Light green with small, loose leaves and a sweet centre. Chicory is a very popular salad vegetable. Treat it as you would lettuce or spinach. The eye of the chicory is the sweetest part, and the better you preserve it, the sweeter it will become (wrap in newspaper and store in a cool dark room). Sow directly outdoors in early spring once all danger of frost has passed. Thin seedlings 25-30cm (10-12in) apart in the rows, and 30-38cm (12-15in) between the rows. Grow chicory in full sun in a moist, well-drained soil.</p>