<p>(Family Ranunculaceae) A late-flowering clematis, in Group 3 according to the RHS classification system. The leaves are gray-green to dark green, and it has lantern-shaped, single, greenish-yellow flowers that appear in the summer to autumn. They are 3cm (1.25in) in size and have recurved petal tips. Feathery seed heads decorate the vine after the flowers fade.</p><p>This species is fully hardy. Grow it on a wall or trellis, or growing up through trees and shrubs. They like their roots cool and shaded in well-drained rich soil. The vine can be in full sun or partial shade. Propagate by seed in spring or autumn, or by cuttings or layering. Clematis may have a problem with aphids, mildew or clematis wilt. Prune this type before new growth begins in early spring as it flowers on new shoots only. Remove all of the previous season's growth down to a pair of strong leaf-axil buds, 15-30cm (6-12in) above soil level.</p>