Convolvulus tricolour 'Ensign Mix'

Bush Morning Glory 'Ensign Mix'

Convolvulus tricolour 'Ensign Mix'

Zones 2-5

<p>A bold mix of vivid white, pink, and blue 2-4cm (1-2 in) trumpet-shaped flowers, many with white throats and yellow centres. The flowers usually stay open all day long. A tidy compact 'morning glory' that brings these bold colours to the garden and containers almost continuously all summer. Grows to 30cm (12 in), this plant doesn't climb like typical morning glories or Ipomoea.</p><p>Space 15-22cm (6-9 in) in full sun, poor soil. 90 seeds/g. They don't like to be transplanted, so start them in the ground directly or in peat or paper pots. You can nick the seed to sped germination if you wish. Put two seeds in one pot and discard the weaker seedling later.</p><p>'Convolvulus' comes from the Latin meaning 'to entwine', like 'convoluted'.</p>