Cucumis sativus ' Femspot F1'

Cucumber, Slicing 'Femspot F1 (all female)'

Cucumis sativus ' Femspot F1'

Zones 2-5

<p>For greenhouse use. The growing plants require a minimum temperature of 15C (60F) and heat will be required for early crops. Early maturing, disease-resistant plants producing long, bitter-free fruits of fine flavour. Under certain conditions of stress, male flowers may appear and should be removed.</p><p>Varieties with resistance to Powdery Mildew should not be sown before the beginning of March. Sow singly in pots until May. Hybrids can be temperature sensitive, and we recommend temperatures of 25C (78F) day and 20C (68F) at night for optimum germination.</p>