SORRY, THIS PRODUCT IS NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FROM ANY SUPPLIER. Ideal if you want to make a Halloween lantern. Mammoth pumpkins sometimes grow so big you may need someone to help you lift one. Why not have a competition with your friends to see who can grow the heaviest one? Sow May or June straight into the soil about 5cm deep. Soak the soil with water as soon as you have sown the seeds. Seedlings should appear about two weeks later. You can also sow the seeds in little pots of seed compost. Plant them out in the garden when they are a few centimetres high. Remember to keep them watered. <br>Harvest them in September. Store them in a cool dry place such as a shed or garage. Get a grown up to help you if you want to make a lantern from your pumpkin. Never eat seeds and always wash your hands after gardening.