Cucurbita pepo 'Tiger Cross F1'

Marrow/Courgette Squash, Bush type 'Tiger Cross F1'

Cucurbita pepo 'Tiger Cross F1'

Zones 2-5

<p>An early maturing type with attractive green, striped fruits of good length. Recommended for both table and exhibition purposes. Resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus, so often a problem with marrow crops. Fruits can also be used as courgettes when young.</p><p>Marrows are at their best while small and tender, and plants are more porductive if fruits are cut often. In May or June, sow 2 or 3 seeds where intended to grow and single to the strongest seedling, allowing approx 2 feet each way for bush types and 3 feet for trailing varieties. Can also be sown in April and early May under glass for growing outdoors after transplanting. Approx 16 weeks to maturity for courgette types of squash.</p>