Dahlia variabilis 'Redskin'

Dahlia 'Redskin'

Dahlia variabilis 'Redskin'

Zones 2-5

<p>Striking, deep red leaves of this quick-growing dahlia are almost covered by the large 7.5cm (3 in) flowers in white, pink, red, purple, and orange from July to frost. Regular dead-heading will keep them looking their best and produce even more flowers in the sun. AAS award winner.</p><p>Direct-seed mid-March through June. Sow 5mm (1/4 in) deep. Germinates at 27-29C (80-84F) in 7-14 days. Space 30cm (1 ft) apart. Height 60cm (2 ft). Approx. 80 seeds/g.</p>