<p>Elegant spires of crisp, clear light pink, lilac, rose, blue and white grace uniform, double flowers. QIS is the registered trademark of the Dutch seed company Kieft and it marks a variety bred for cut flower excellence. Grows 50-70cm (22-27 in.) tall.</p><p>Direct seed mid-April through mid-June in sunshine. Germinates at 15C in 21 days. Indoors, it sprouts best in the cool. Blooms in 17 weeks. Space 25cm apart, height varies. Approx. 280 seeds/g. Caution: note that Delphiniums, like some other members of the Ranunculaceae (Buttercup) family are poisonous - avoid eating the seeds and leaves.</p><p>Delphinium comes from the ancient Greek word for Larkspur. The actual word is 'delphis' which means dolphin, probably referring to the shape of the buds just before they open.</p>