Delphinium tatsienense 'Mediterranean Seas'

Delphinium 'Mediterranean Seas'

Delphinium tatsienense 'Mediterranean Seas'

Zones 2-5

<p>A blend of compact, dwarf plants with fine foliage, topped with flowers in shades of azure blue, white and lilac. This Delphinium gives exceptional performance throughout the summer. The immediate use which comes to mind is for containers, where they are splendiferous. Also superb in borders and bedding, this species is so versatile, it can be treated as an annual as well as a conventional perennial although short-lived. Also often used in the rock garden.</p> <p>The shape of the flower gave rise to the name Delphinium, deriving from ‘delphis’ the Greek god for Dolphin. Delphinium tatsienense is a Chinese species and, as all Delphinums, is closely related to Consolida, the common Larkspur.</p> <p>Height 10-12 inches (23-30cm). Hardy in the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and North America USDA Zones 6-9.</p>