<p>Towering, majestic spikes head heavenward on this entrancing gem. Masses of blue-mauve florets are draped around the monstrous stem, along with bursts of striking, silver lanced leaves. Echiums must be a feature, they will not just be planted into a border and forgotten! A tall Echium, towering over any planting scheme is a wonder to behold. Use it in any way, but do not expect this plant to simply blend into its surroundings!</p> <p>The Echium family consists of 40 main species, chiefly natives of the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands. The name Echium is simply an alternative of the Greek derivative ‘echion’ Echium pininana is actually one of 25 species which originate from the Canary Islands.</p> <p>Height 12 feet (3.6m). Hardy in most parts of the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and North America USDA Zones 8-10.</p>