Eryngium amethestinum

Sea Holly

Eryngium amethestinum

Zones 2-5

<p>{Family: Umbelliferae} This perennial grows to 30in (75cm) tall. Its leaves are basal to 6in (15cm) long, spiny and mid-green. The ovoid flowerheads are amethyst surrounded by silvery blue bracts about 2in (5cm) long and are produced on silvery blue stems.</p><p>All Sea Hollies like dry sandy loam soil and full sun conditions. They are very tolerant of salt and wind, and are found in the wild growing alongside the ocean. They are hardy and easy care plants. Propagate them from seed easily, or take root cuttings in the autumn. Because they have a long taproot, division is not recommended.</p><p>This plant comes from Italy and the Balkans. Several sea hollies, including E. alpinum and E. amethystinum were in cultivation by 1648, by Elizabethan and Jacobean enthusiasts.</p>