<p>(Family Liliaceae) This erythronium also flowers in the spring. It forms clups 15cm (6in) wide and gets 20-30cm (8-10in) tall. It has two lance-shaped semi-erect green basal leaves with brown mottled markings. The flower spike has from 1 to 4 pendent flowers in a pale to deep pink colour with reflexed petals.</p><p>Erythroniums are hardy and like to grow in partial shade in woodland conditions of moist, humus-rich soil. The tubers do not like to get too hot or dry in the summer while they are dormant. They definately prefer a cooler climate. Propagate by seed in autumn, or also by offsets which should be divided in late summer (do not allow tubers to dry out before replanting them at a depth of 15cm (6in).</p>