Euphorbia marginata 'Summer Icicle'

Euphorbia 'Summer Icicle'

Euphorbia marginata 'Summer Icicle'

Zones 2-5

<p>Highly versatile and a great garden performer, Summer Icicle makes a showy border and container plant. The delicately variegated leaves are topped by curious small florets throughout the summer. Adds wonderful contrast to bright summer bedding and container displays. Also at home in the border where it performs well in hot and dry soils.</p> <p>One of the most interesting and diverse genus, featuring an incredible 2000 plus widely varying species, including many good garden plants. Euphorbias appear as natives across the world, with Euphorbia marginata being from the plains of Texas, Colorado and surrounding regions. The name derives from Euphorbus, himself a physician to the King of Mauritania.</p> <p>Height 18 inches (45cm). Hardy in the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and North America USDA Zones 7-10.</p>