Euphorbia myrsinites

Spurge, Milkweed

Euphorbia myrsinites

Zones 2-5

<p>(Family Euphorbiaceae) This is an evergreen perennial with clusters of bright yellow-green flowers in spring. The part commonly called flowers are not real flowers at all in this genus - they consist of bracts around the tiny true flowers. It has a prostrate habit of growth, spreading 8 inches or more, a few inches above the ground. The woody stems have small, pointed, fleshy greyish leaves. Note that the sap from this family of plants may be irritating.</p><p>It likes full sun and well-drained soil, and does well on a wall or ledge, in rock gardens. It is moderately frost hardy. Propagate by basal cuttings in spring or summer, by division in spring or early autumn or by seed in spring or autumn.</p><p>This species comes from South Europe to West Turkey.</p>