Galtonia viridiflora

Summer Hyacinth, Spire Lily, Cape Hyacinth

Galtonia viridiflora

Zones 2-5

<p>Galtonia species have semi-erect leaves in rosettes and elegant tall spikes of pendent, funnel-shaped leaves. This species has lance-shaped, gray-green leaves and reaches a height of 3ft (1m)and 1ft (0.3m) across. It bears arching stems of nodding, trumpet-shaped, pale green flowers that look like snowdrops in late summer and early autumn.</p><p>Plant in a sheltered site in full sun and fertile, well-drained soil (winter damp will rot them). They tend to die down in winter and may be lifted for replanting in spring. Propagate from fresh ripe seed in spring or by offsets in autumn. They will self-seed freely in good conditions. Snails and slugs may be a problem.</p><p>This genus contains four species of frost-hardy bulbs. It is named after Francis Galton (1822-1911), an explorer, scientist and student of many things related to Africa.</p>