<p>{Family: Iridaceae} This is a rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris, very beautiful and desirable. It flowers from spring to early summer with deep red-purple or purple-black velvety flowers, 2-4 inches across, with gold lines along the falls. They are also fragrant. The stems branch and produce 1 to 4 flowers each (usually 2), and they grow to about 0.5m tall. The leaves are wide and gray-green in colour and also attractive on their own.</p><p>Siberian irises should be planted about 1 1/2 feet apart, in full sun. They need a moist, waterside condition, with a soil high in organic matter, slightly acidic. Propagate irises by dividing the rhizomes or clumps after they have flowered up until early autumn. These irises should only be divided when the clumps show signs of reduced flowering or decline.</p><p>This iris is native to China and Burma.</p>