<p>Dutch irises fall into the Xiphium group of Bulbous irises. They are popular garden plants, widely used for cut flowers. The flowers are beardless and appear from midspring to midsummer, becoming dormant as it warms up. The leaves are deciduous, channeled and linear. They grow to about 18 inches to 2 feet tall, or more. 'Imperator' is royal blue with bright yellow on the centre of the falls.</p><p>Dutch iris like to grow in well-drained, neutral or slightly alkaline soil in almost full sun. These ones do not do well in damp soils or areas of high humidity, unlike other iris types. Plant the bulbs 5 inches deep, about 4 inches apart to form strong clumps. Standard tulip/daffodil bulb planting instructions work well for Dutch Iris. Propagate by division of clumps in late summer after flowering, or by seeds in the fall (remember that specific named cultivars will come true to form only from division and not from seed, where hybridisation may occur).</p>