Lavatera trimestris

Rose Mallow

Lavatera trimestris

Zones 2-5

<p>Beautiful single, rose-pink, 10cm (4 in.) flowers bloom continuously on this attractive 60-120cm (2-4 ft.) plant from July to September. The leaves are dark green. It grows quite quickly, and works well in almost any temperate garden that doesn't get too hot during the summer. Makes a nice annual hedge in sun or light shade. It is a member of the Malvaceae family, which includes hollyhocks and hibiscus, and shows a strong familial relationship with the flower shape.</p><p>Sow indoors February-March. Germinates in 14-21 days at 21C (70F). They work best in peat pots to minimise root disturbance. Alternatively, direct-seed in April, cover lightly. Space plants 60cm (2 ft.) apart and remove spent blooms. Too rich a soil encourages a lot of lush leaf growth at the expense of flowers, so avoid fertilisers. Lavatera are generally trouble-free plants, but may get a bit of leaf spot, rust or mildew, usually resulting from improper watering (too much!) They also make very good cut flowers for indoor displays. Approx. 150 seeds/g.</p><p>Lavatera is named in honour of two Swiss brothers who were naturalists and physicians in Zurich. It originates from the Mediterranean regions.</p>