<p>3-8in (8-20cm) long, and get sparse towards the stem tops. The flowers are very fragrant, slender and trumpet shaped, white in colour, and 5-8in (12-20cm) long. This variety, var. pricei, has more purple flush on the outside of the flowers. The petal tips are flared, almost recurved. There can be up to 10 flowers on one stem, appearing late in the summer.</p><p>Grow in moist acidic soil outdoors that is well-drained, but grows well in pots in a conservatory. Lilies require a cold dormant period and do not thrive in warmer climates without a period of refrigeration. They are very hardy. Lilies thrive in full sun, or light partial shade such as the edge of a woodland. Sow seed when it is ripe in containers in a coldframe or germinate indoors under lights at 18-21C (65-70F)in spring. Remove scales, offsets or bulblets from dormant bulbs as soon as the foliage dies down and pot on.</p><p>Native to Taiwan. Lilium formosanum has become naturalised in some areas of Australia.</p>