Mirabilis jalapa 'Tea Time Series'

Four O'Clocks / Miracle of Peru 'Tea Time Series'

Mirabilis jalapa 'Tea Time Series'

Zones 2-5

<p>Bushy plants to 60cm (24 in.) are covered with trumpet-shaped, fragrant flowers that open later in the afternoon (tea time) or on cloudy days. They are about an inch wide and 2 inches long. This uniform selection contains red, rose, yellow, and white colours.</p><p>Start in late May, early June in full sun. Approx. 11 seeds/g. They have long thin black tubers that can be dug up in the fall and used again the following spring, but mostly they are grown each year as annuals. They are perennial in milder climates, and like a bright sunny spot (a bit of shade is alright) and well-drained soil. Space plants 14 inches apart.</p><p>Mirabilis comes from the Latin word for wonderful.</p>