Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon'

Basil 'Cinnamon'

Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon'

Zones 2-5

<p>This attractive plant with bronze-coloured foliage and pink flowers really ought to be in the flower garden. Its unique cinnamon taste and aroma lend it easily to the kitchen as well as fresh or dried arrangements. Approx. 300 seeds/g.</p><p>CULTURE: Do not be in a hurry to plant basil. Plants are usually started indoors 5-6 weeks before night-time temperatures outside are consistently above 10C (50F), which can be early June. So start indoors late April or thereabouts. Sow seeds uncovered, lightly pressed into a sterile starting mix. Transplant to the garden in full sun in rows 60-100cm (2-3.75 ft) apart and thin plants to 30cm (1ft) apart. Basil also does well in containers. Regular watering is needed, as basil will not tolerate drying right out. <br>HARVEST: For culinary use, harvest basil just before the flowers appear. Keep harvesting the growing tips to produce a bushy plant. For a large harvest, you can cut off as much as half the plant at once. To keep the highest quality of oils in the leaves, quick-drying in a food dehydrator or microwave works well. Leaves can also be frozen. For ornamental use, let the flowers develop and use them fresh or in dried arrangements.</p>