Paulownia tomentosa

Paulownia; Foxglove Tree; Empress Tree

Paulownia tomentosa

Zones 2-5

<p>Paulownia grows rapidly from seed. The huge leaves are an architectural delight and in warm summers, they are coupled with many panicles of fragrant, foxglove-like blooms. There is truly only one way of showing a Paulownia tree and that is as a specimen planting in a lawn. Its beauty can then be viewed from all round and the tree easily accessed during summer when the racemes of flowers will emit a rich scent.</p> <p>Named after the Princess of the Dutch region, Anna Paulowna, who died in 1865. Paulownina tomentosa has never been found in the wild although it undoubtedly originated in China, where it was used medicinally. Surprisingly, many plants have now naturalized in New York, having escaped from cultivation.</p> <p>Hardy in the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and North America USDA Zones 5-9</p>