Pelargonium hybrids 'Sensation Mix Floribunda F1'

Geranium 'Sensation Mix Floribunda F1'

Pelargonium hybrids 'Sensation Mix Floribunda F1'

Zones 2-5

<p>Produces many more flowers than normal types and is exceptionally early to flower. Superb blooms of scarlet, chery, salmon, rose pink ad blush are borne on bushy, compact plants. Height approx 12 inches (30cm).</p><p>Sow under glass, minimum 18-21C (65-70F), 6mm (1/4 inch) deep in good compost. Plant out when danger of frost has passed. These may be sown later than ordinary geraniums. Very few kinds of seed have the potential to give 100% germination, even when sown under optimum conditions, so do please bear this in mind when deciding how many plants you may need.</p>