Great to spice up salads, salsa and stir-fries. Best grown in a greenhouse but can be planted outside in a warm, sunny, sheltered spot. <p>Banana Sweet: Glossy pale yellow fruits that ripen through orange to red. Fruits grow to approx. 20cm in length. Thick walled suitable for stir-fries and salads.</p><p>Corno di Torro Rosso: Long tapering fruits up to 25cm long that ripen green to red on large plants. Has a mild flavor and thin walls. Great for eating raw and in salads.</p><p>Fresno Chilli: Conical shape, ripening from green to red, can be picked at any stage. Thick skinned, grows to 7cm in length. Perfect in rice and salsas.</p><p>Jalapeno: Short, bullet shaped tapered fruits that ripen from green to red. Smooth, thick walled 7cm fruits superb for chillies, curries and other spicy dishes.</p><p>Purple Beauty: Green to very dark purple, blocky peppers 10cm long with thick walls. Has a mild, sweet flavor, the colour adds variety to salads. </p><p>Red Cherry Hot: Hot, cherry shaped fruits, ripening from green to red, averaging 3cm in length. Good for Mexican and other hot dishes.</p>