<p>{Family: Scrophulariaceae} Phygelius aequalis is a subshrub with a woody base. The leaves may be evergreen in milder areas, and are dark green, egg-shaped and lightly toothed. They produce spikes of tubular nodding flowers that look slightly like fuchsias, thus their common name. It grows to 3 ft tall and spreads to 18 inches, but can be cut down by frosts during colder winters. The flowers appear in late summer and autumn, and are pinkish red with yellow throats.</p><p>It likes a sunny, warm and sheltered spot with well-drained soil. Some afternoon shade will help the blooms last longer. It should be mulched during the winter to give it some extra protection. It can be propagated by stem cuttings in summer and autumn or division in spring or autumn. Seed can be planted in spring.</p><p>This plant comes from South Africa and is a relatively new introduction to North American and European gardens.</p>