<p>70 days. Chosen over others because the papery husk better protects fruit inside. When harvested green, it is perfect for making salsa verde. They keep a nice texture when eaten fresh or cooked. Indeterminate growth with yellow flowers that produce fruit all season.</p><p>CULTURE: As for tomatoes. <br>HARVEST: Tomatillos turn from green to yellow-green to pale yellow when fully ripe and the husk opens. For cooking, harvest when fruit is still slightly green, but for fresh eating the fruit is sweetest after it falls to the ground. <br>SEEDSPEC: Approx. 600 seeds/g. Usual seed life: 3 years.</p><p>This is similar to the Cape gooseberry, but the fruits are larger, completely filling and splitting the calyx when ripe. it is a very popular vegetable in Mexican cookery, where it is used in place of tomatoes to make an exellent sharp sauce for grilled meat. A variety with sweeter yellowish fruit can be eaten raw. The tomatillo is a native of Mexico and has long been cultivated there, but is seldom seen elsewhere in spite of its excellent flavour. It is also found as a weed in Southern California.</p>