<p>A new colour selection with white petals and a black and yellow centre and grey-green foliage. A Fleuroselect Quality Mark winner, this annual flower grows to 60cm (24 in.) and is very useful in the border to set other colours off, as well as making an excellent cut and dried flower. Flowers best when direct sown in early spring.</p><p>Acroclinium flourishes when planted thickly in beds, and continures to bloom all summer if you keep it picked. For drying, cut the flowers just prior to or at flower bud opening; these can be dried on their own stems (hang them upside down), but are more useful on wire or grass stems. Best in full sun, dry, poor soil. Direct-seed May through June. Lightly cover seeds. Germinates at 15 C(60 F) in 10-18 days. They do not transplant well, so if you start them earlier indoors use peat pots. Blooms in 10 weeks. Space 15cm (6 in.) apart, height 45cm (18 in.) Approx. 200 seeds/gram.</p><p>This plant comes from South west Australia. The name 'Helipterum' comes from the greek for sun and wing, referring to a technical part of the flower stucture.</p>