<p>80 days. Big, deep purple, 20cm (8-9 in.) oval fruits mature early on 60cm (24-30 in.) disease-resistant bushes. Dusky yields heavily in a hot summer. Hybrid vigour helps mature many small fruit even in a poor summer.</p><p>CULTURE: Plant indoors April 1st for transplanting out in mid to late June. Seeds need soil temperatures of 21 deg. C (70 deg. F) to sprout and prefer 23 deg. C (75 deg. F). They grow best at 21 deg. C (70 deg. F). Fruit will not set below this temperature. Wait until nighttime lows are above 8 deg. C (45 deg. F) before transplanting outside-- fruit set is prevented by low night-time temperatures. Using a clear plastic cloche or black plastic mulch about a week before the plants are set out, will greatly help growth by warming soil. Covering the transplants with floating row cover (see page 76) would also help. Space transplants 60 cm (24 in.) apart in rows 95cm (30 in.) apart. Eggplants are heavy feeders. Working 1/4 to 1/2 cup complete organic fertilizer under each transplant will produce abundant harvests. <br>DISEASE: Resists everything but cool weather. <br>INSECTS: Control flea beetles on newly set-out plants with rotenone or Reemay. <br>HARVEST: When eggplants are picked on the small side, the plants are encouraged to produce more abundantly. The fruit has achieved its largest size when rapid swelling stops. To pick, cut them off with scissors, do not pull them off the plant. Remove small immature fruits in early September to permit remaining eggplants to attain full size.</p><p>These early, vigorous varieties grow well on the Coast, especially if given some protection. They are beautiful plants with purple flowers that can grace a flower bed or planter.</p>