Tropaeolum speciosum

Flame Flower; Flame Creeper

Tropaeolum speciosum

Zones 2-5

<p>During the summer, the exotic, fingered foliage of the Flame Flower becomes host to a rich explosion of stunning crimson flowers. Choice, rare and always in demand. The most popular, and indeed effective, way of growing the Flame Flower is by allowing it to grow through evergreens such as conifers. This gives them the root shade they require. This unique and inventive method can also be employed with many other similar climbers.</p> <p>The Flame Flower comes from the aptly named country of Chile, and derives from a group of almost 100 species which includes the popular garden annuals, Nasturtiums. Tropaeolum translates in Greek as ‘trophy’ and this is a fanciful reference to the leaf likeness to a shield, and also to the helmet appearance of the flower.</p> <p>Height 6-10 feet (1.8-3 m). Hardy in the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and North America USDA Zones 7-9.</p>