<p>240 days if over-wintering, 130-150 days if spring sown. Plants are 60cm-1m (2-3 ft.) tall. Light green pods contain 6 or 7 large pale green seeds which shell easily.</p><p>CULTURE: They grow well in ordinary garden soil. Plant in mid-September to early November in mild winter areas, 8cm (3 in.) deep just before the ground freezes. Weed between the rows of these over-wintering plants in the spring, and incorporate a nitrogen fertilizer to encourage early growth for a yield in June. Or plant in February. Set the seeds 12cm (5 in.) apart, 4cm (11/2 in.) deep in double or single rows 1m (3 ft.) apart. Providing stakes or strings between the rows may help control the plant’s tendency to fall over when bearing heavily. When aphids attack in May/June, pinch out the growing tip to stop further new growth on which the aphids feed. This helps the plant to mature the setting pods. <p>HARVEST; Steam the whole young pods, and later in the season shell the pods and steam beans for 3 to 5 minutes. The taste is like a fresh garden pea. For shelling, pick when the pods begin to droop from the weight of the seeds. For dried beans, wait until the pod starts to shrivel. Some people cannot eat them dried. <p>SEEDSPEC: Minimum germination standard: 80%. Days to emergence: 6-16. Optimum soil temperature for germination: 15-30 deg. C (60-85 deg. F). Days to maturity: from planting. Approx. 17 seeds/oz. Usual seed life: 2-3 years.</p><p>Ideal plants for the Coastal climate, producing large, very tasty shelling beans early in the summer, and fine dried beans for soups and stews in the fall.</p>