<p>70-80 days. The earliest white corn we have seen! This impressive white hybrid SE is equal to Sugar Buns in quality and tenderness. The striking white kernels fill to the tip with 14 rows, on 20cm (8 in.) ears well covered by handsome dark green husks. Recommended for home garden, market growers and freezing. <br>No isolation is needed from other types of corn for varieties with this genetic makeup. The SE/se gene makes the corn sweeter and more tender and helps the corn stay sweet longer after picking.</p><p>CULTURE: Planting corn very early won’t usually give you earlier corn. Even our well-adapted varieties have a tendency to germinate very poorly in soil colder than 15 deg. C (59 deg. F). The shrunken kernel 'sugar enhanced' or 'super sweets' require a soil temperature of at least 21 deg. C (70 deg. F). Plant between May 15th and June 10th. Earlier plantings often rot in the ground before sprouting (none of our corn seed is treated with fungicide). If you are determined to have the earliest corn in your neighbourhood, covering the seeded rows with clear plastic will warm the soil and allow you to plant pre-sprouted seed three weeks earlier. The plastic is removed after all the seedlings have appeared. Corn seed can also be started indoors in large containers and transplanted out carefully in late May. Raising transplants can be a fairly relaxed process for the late varieties such as Golden Jubilee, but for early varieties such as Seneca Horizon, the time from germination to planting in the ground must be completed within 2 weeks so that their internal time schedule is not disrupted. Corn plants must grow a certain number of leaves within 30-40 days before they start to tassel, even if the plant is not full-sized by that time. Corn requires lots of fertilizer to grow properly, so 3-5 lbs. of canola or fishmeal mixed into each 30m (100 ft.) of furrow below the seeds can make a great improvement in yield. So can a wheelbarrow load of fresh manure or compost. Plant 2-5cm (1-2 in.) deep, (for small sh2 seed and cool soil use the shallower figure), 10cm (4 in.) apart, in rows 80cm (30 in.) apart. Thin to at least 20-25cm (8-10 in.) apart in the row, large eared and double-eared varieties need 30cm (1 ft.). If soil hasn’t warmed up well, sow seed thicker to make up for what will spoil. Early cultivation is important. Keep free of weeds until knee-high, then leave it alone. Do not cultivate near the mature plants, which have shallow roots. Plant in blocks of at least 4 rows; corn is wind-pollinated and single rows of corn usually produce a lot of empty ears. <br>DISEASE: Prevention of disease is enhanced by a 3-4 year crop rotation and removal of the old stalks each fall. Corn follows a cole crop. <br>HARVEST: When kernels are full and the juice inside them is milky, generally indicated by a drying and browning of the silks at the top of each ear. <br>SEEDSPEC: Minimum germination standard: 90%. Days to emergence: 4-14. Optimum soil temperature range for germination: 15-30 deg. C (60-85 deg. F). Days to maturity: from date of direct seeding. Use the days listed here for comparative purposes among the varieties only; your garden will be different. One oz. contains approximately 100-200 seeds. Usual seed life: 2 years.</p><p>Sweetcorn is a variety of maize which has a grain that contains more sugar than starch. Maize itself is a very important crop, as important as wheat and rice, though most of the huge crop grown in the North American corn belt is for consumption by livestock rather than directly by humans. In parts of Africa and in much of Central and South America maize is the staple human diet, either in the form of porridge or tortillas. Popcorn is a distinct variety which has grains containing particles of starch that explode on heating. Maize originated in pre-historic times in Mexico, but is not now known as a wild plant. The earliest archaeological records of Zea are from the area of Mexico City, where pollen has been found in deposts dating from 60,000 to 80,000 years ago, before the area was inhabited by man. The earliest, very small and primitive cobs were found in the Tehuacan caves dating from around 3500 BC. The earliest finds in Peru date from 1000 BC. It did not become a staple crop until after 800 AD. These early small-grained forms are thought to have ben eaten as popcorn. The first discovery of sweetcorn was as a valued source of sugar, and was used to enhance the alcohol content of their beer. Modern sweetcorns are divided into groups according to the colour of the grain (yellow, white, blue or variously coloured) and the amount of sugar (sugary, ultra-sweet (also called supersweet, extra-sweet or shrunken, from the appearance of the seed) and sugary enhanced (derived from a sugary-floury cross)).</p>