Zinnia elegans hybrida 'Candy Cane Mix'

Zinnia 'Candy Cane Mix'

Zinnia elegans hybrida 'Candy Cane Mix'

Zones 2-5

<p>You'll enjoy this festive Zinnia mixture! Each bloom measures 5cm (2 in) across and is held on a strong, sturdy stem. The stripes with the mix of assorted colours (scarlet, rose, purple, orange and yellow) will add a colourful, nostalgic charm to mass plantings and cuttings. The more you cut, the quicker new blooms will appear. An easy to grow annual for the summer garden. Height 20 in (50cm).</p><p>For earlier blooms, start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost. Germination 5-7 days. Blooms July to frost.</p>