<p><p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-1.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Gaillardia 'Double Mixed'</strong> 30 in (75 cm) 100 seeds<br> Double, almost pompom heads of yellow through red. Sow indoors February-April in pots or trays of seed compost, at 15-20C (60-68F). Keep moist. Prick out to further trays or pots if necessary. Harden off and plant out May-June, spacing 10in (25cm) apart. Or sow outdoors late April-May in flowering position, thin if necessary. Flowers June-October.</p> <p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-2.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Godetia 'Blue Magic'</strong> 20 in (50 cm) 200 seeds<br> Unusual cup-shaped lilac blue flowers. Sow outdoors March-May, just covering the seed, in the flowering position. Thin plants to 8in (20cm) apart. Keep moist. Make two or three sowings for a prolonged flowering period. Flowers June-October.</p> <p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-3.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Nemophila 'Penny Black'</strong> 6 in (15 cm) 100 seeds<br> Almost black flowers with white lacing make perfect border edging. Sow outdoors March-May just covering the seed, in the flowering position. Thin plants to 4in (10cm) apart. Keep moist. Make two or three sowings for a prolonged flowering period. Flowers June-September. </p> <p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-4.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Nigella hispanica</strong> 3 ft (90 cm) 75 seeds<br> Violet blue flowers with striking purple 'spidery' centres. Sow outdoors March-May, just covering the seed, in the flowering position. Thin plants to 12in (30cm) apart. Keep moist. Make two or three sowings for a prolonged flowering period. Flowers June-October.</p> <p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-5.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Phlox 'Tapestry'</strong> 18-20 in (45-50 cm) 100 seeds<br> Numerous, unusual colour combinations, each with a delicate fragrance. Sow indoors February-April in pots or trays of seed compost, at 10-15C (50-60F). Keep moist. Prick out to further pots or trays if necessary. Harden off and plant out in flowering position May-June, spacing 10in (25cm) apart. Or, sow outdoors late April-May in flowering position, thin if necessary. Flowers June-October.</p> <p><img src='/images/product/icon/z/ZZZ033-6.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0' align='left' alt='' hspace='4'><strong>Rudbeckia 'Rustic Dwarfs'</strong> 2 ft (60 cm) 200 seeds<br> Rich gold and bronze, large daisy-like flowers. Sow indoors February-April in pots or trays of seed compost, at 15-18C (60-65F). Keep moist. Prick out to further pots or trays if necessary. Harden off and plant out in flowering position May-June, spacing 12in (30cm) apart. Or, sow outdoors late April-May in flowering position, thin if necessary. flowers July-October.</p></p>