Six individiually packed easy to grow annuals for a colourful garden border.<br><br>Gaillardia 'Double Mixed'<br>Godetia 'Blue Magic'<br>Nemophila 'Penny Black'<br>Nigella hispanica<br>Phlox 'Tapestry'<br>Rudbeckia 'Rustic Dwarfs'
Browse Annual Border CollectionAnnual Border Summer Bedding: Antirrhinum 'Hobbit'; Aster 'Dwarf Queen'; Lobelia 'Crystal Palace'; Marigold 'Marionette'
Browse Annual Border Collection 02: Summer Bedding 4 in 1Annuals Collection Sow Direct: Candytuft 'Dwarf Fairy' (Iberis umbellata); Convolvulus 'Royal Ensign' (Convolvulus tricolour); Californian Poppy (Eschscholztia californica); Godetia 'Unwins Dwarf' (Clarkia amoena)
Browse Annuals Sow Direct 4 in 1 CollectionSix individually packed half-hardy and hardy annuals flowering the same year.<p>Anagallis ‘Gentian Blue’<br>Dahlberg Daisy (Thymophylla)<br>Lobelia ‘Fountains White’<br>Nasturtium ‘Scarlet Gleam’<br>Petunia ‘Mixed F2 Hybrids’<br>Thunbergia ‘Orange’
Browse Baskets and Planters Designer Collection 01Easy Annual Flowers 'Fairy Mixed'
Browse Easy Annual Flowers 'Fairy Mixed'Hanging Basket/Pots Collection: Busy Lizzie 'Safari'; Lobelia 'Cascade'; Geranium 'Earlibird'; Petunia 'Sparkles'
Browse Hanging Basket Collection 02: Sensational Baskets/Classic Pots 4 in 1Designed with a 'Wow' factor, this is a more exotic collection of plants to fill a hanging basket or more unusual container. Anagalis linifolia is a choice plant with rich blue blooms from June-September. The Busy Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana) has rich, wine red blooms produced freely all summer long. Lobelia erinus 'Cascade' has a lovely colour mix and superb trailing stems. Clematis x hybrida 'Sunstar' is truly delightful and unexpected, a real conversation piece with dark yellow gold flowers and silky seed heads. It is fully hardy and will bloom year after year.<br><br>Full sowing, cultivation instructions on the packet.
Browse Hanging Basket/Container Collection 03: Sizzling Hot Patios 4 in 1