<p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-1.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Anagallis' hspace='4'><strong>Anagallis ‘Gentian Blue’</strong> 8 in (20 cm) 40 seeds<br> Sapphire blue flowers that tumble out of baskets. Sow indoors February-April in pots or trays of seed compost, at 15-20C (60-68F). Keep moist. Prick out to further pots or trays when large enough to handle. Harden off and plant out May-June, spacing 8in (20cm) apart. Or sow in flowering position April-May, thin if necessary. Flowers June-October.</p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-2.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Dahlberg Daisy' hspace='4'><strong>Dahlberg Daisy</strong> 6 in (15 cm) 250 seeds<br> More correctly, Thymophylla, it has feathery foliage and bright daisy-like flowers. Sow indoors February-April in pots or trays of seed compost, just covering the seed, at 18-20C (64-68F). Keep moist. Prick out to further trays or pots if necessary. Harden off and plant out in June, spacing 8in (20cm) apart. Flowers June-October.</p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-3.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Lobelia' hspace='4'><strong>Lobelia ‘Fountains White’</strong> 4 in (10 cm) trailing, 750 seeds <br> Pure white flowers fall over the edge of containers. Sow indoors January-March in pots or trays of seed compost. Press the seed into the surface, at 15-20C (60-68F). Keep moist. Prick out when large enough to handle, spacing 1in (2.5cm) apart. Harden off and plant out in June, spacing 4in (10cm) apart.</p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-4.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Nasturtium' hspace='4'><strong>Nasturtium ‘Scarlet Gleam’</strong> 15 in (37 cm) 15 seeds <br> Vibrant semi-double blooms and semi-trailing habit. Sow indoors April-June, a half-inch (1.5cm) deep in flowering position. Sow two seeds together and then space 8in (20cm) apart. Or sow indoors February-March in individual pots. Harden off and plant out in May. Flowers June-September.</p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-5.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Petunia' hspace='4'><strong>Petunia ‘Mixed F2 Hybrids’</strong> 14 in (35 cm) 250 seeds <br> A wide colour range of open flowers. Sow indoors January-March in pots or trays of seed compost, press the fine seed into the surface at 20-25C (68-77F). Keep moist. Once germination is complete, reduce to 15C (60F). Prick out to further pots or trays when large enough to handle. Harden off and plant out in June, spacing 8in (20cm) apart. Flowers June to October.</p><p><img src='/thumbs/z/ZZZ038-6.jpg' width='75' height='75' border='0'align='left' alt='Thunbergia' hspace='4'><strong>Thunbergia ‘Orange’</strong> 4 ft (1.2 m) 10 seeds <br> Stunning orange flowers with and without eyes. Sow indoors February-April in half-inch (1.5cm) deep in individual pots of seed compost, at 20C (68F). Keep moist. Harden off and plant out in June, spacing 10in (25cm) apart. Flowers June-October.</p></p>